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Prof. Julius Kiprop Maiyo

Name: Prof. Julius Kiprop  Maiyo

Current Position at EAQAN: Secretary General

Title and Current Position: Director performance contracting and quality assurance, Kibabii University

Country: Kenya

Expertise: Prof. Maiyo holds Bachelors degree of Education Arts (Economics &Mathematics), Masters of Philosophy in Economics of Education and Planning, Masters of Business administration (Human Resource) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Economics of Education and Management from University of Pune. He taught at the university for the last twelve years. Prof. Maiyo area of interest is in Access, Efficiency, Equity and Inequality in Education. He is a trained quality assurance expert and a peer reviewer for Commission for University Education and Inter University Council of East Africa. He has also  undergone training inNew Pedagogies in the 21st Century for Higher education Teachers at The Aharon Ofri International Training Center, Jerusalem, Israel 2016  sponsored by Israel Government , and DIES University Leadership and Management Training Course (UNILEAD) 2018 sponsored by  The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany.


Box 1699, Bungoma

Email: maiyojulius@yahoo.com

Tel: +254721223154